Views from the 392

I know this isn't the most exciting picture but this is my drive home from Orange County to Sacramento in my new to me 392 yesterday. I was and am still all smiles.

Am I the only one who thinks radar detectors are not very useful anymore? So many false alerts, because everything uses radar these days, then most newer equipment are pulsed radar or laser. By the time you get the alert, the cop already has the ticket started.

My Valentine One started alerting to every GM vehicle with the bumper sensors, and they wanted $450 to update it. I just turned it off, and sold it with the JK...
You're not alone. I bailed on my Valentine One a few years ago and haven't looked back.
Sat in my 392 in the garage for a few minutes this morning making 392 noises with my mouth, god I can’t wait for winter to be over.

Yes, the hood is as dusty as it looks.😢
Finally, clean roads the frost heaves are smoothed out and warmer weather is in the forecast and my 392 has broken free of its 156 days of garage captivity. Next is a good deep cleaning, it’s really dusty.

This makes me smile. 🥹