Tazer JL Mini and DTC Codes


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2022
Reaction score
Southern Indiana
Good morning!

I recently purchased a Tazer JL Mini for my 2021 Jeep JL 392 so that I could adjust the tire size due to putting 37" tires on the Jeep. Everything worked flawlessly at first - speedo was correct with the adjustment I made using the Tazer JL Mini. However, about a week ago I received two DTC codes - the first one was U1514-87, and the second was U0415-00. I looked them up on the internet and it described them as:

BCM U1514-87 - "Engine Controller Secret Code-Missing Message"
ABS U0415-00 - "Invalid Data Received from Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) Control Module

Regarding the BCM code - Secret Code???

I cleared the codes with the Tazer JL Mini and rebooted and followed the instructions to ensure I did not lose my settings. Went back into the menu to look at the DTC's and they had returned. I, then, turned the Jeep off and removed the negative battery cable for a couple of minutes. Reconnected the battery cable and restarted the Jeep. No "Check Engine" light, so I thought it was cleared. Turned the Jeep off and followed the instructions to, once again, check the DTC's...the two mentioned above were still there.

At that point I cleared the DTC's, reset the Jeep back to stock, removed the Tazer, and removed/reconnected the battery cable. Started the Jeep up and took it for a drive around the neighborhood. Got back to the house and, using an OBDII device for my Jeep, looked to see if there were any DTC's. There were none.

Is the Tazer faulty, because obviously - when it was installed - I received those two codes and now I am not?

Any ideas guys?
Sounds like the Tazer might be an issue. Did you update it before you installed? I have one and other than changing the tire size it has not done much for me. I did set it to not drop the DRL when turn signals are on and that worked for a while now they drop out again.
@RugbyRef that sux. I know that when I set my tire size with a JScan it made me do some extra procedure for the abs control module. It had me press and hold the brake pedal while doing something, I should have taken a screen shot, but I assumed everyone had to do it, but found out later it is a newer thing. The Tazer scared me, I am old school. The JScan was a simple update since I only did tpms and tire size. JScan tho only does tire size in .25” increments or single mm, nobody says that, so I thought I would. But .25” increments is good enough for most.
But in all seriousness - make sure the Mini firmware is most recent, and reconnect to see if it throws a code.
Additionally, you may want to use a third-party diagnostic tool if it returns to clear the code and traces of the Mini before you let Jeep run diagnostics - just so they can't fault the Tazer.
But in all seriousness - make sure the Mini firmware is most recent, and reconnect to see if it throws a code.
Additionally, you may want to use a third-party diagnostic tool if it returns to clear the code and traces of the Mini before you let Jeep run diagnostics - just so they can't fault the Tazer.
Thanks @YukonCornelius! I did do that...thus the comment, "OBDII device"....which happens to be my 3rd-party diagnostic tool.
Sounds like the Tazer might be an issue. Did you update it before you installed? I have one and other than changing the tire size it has not done much for me. I did set it to not drop the DRL when turn signals are on and that worked for a while now they drop out again.
Thanks @Viking Jeeper! I did install the latest update before I changed anything on the Jeep. I have contacted ZAutomotive, but have not heard back yet.
Good morning!

I recently purchased a Tazer JL Mini for my 2021 Jeep JL 392 so that I could adjust the tire size due to putting 37" tires on the Jeep. Everything worked flawlessly at first - speedo was correct with the adjustment I made using the Tazer JL Mini. However, about a week ago I received two DTC codes - the first one was U1514-87, and the second was U0415-00. I looked them up on the internet and it described them as:

BCM U1514-87 - "Engine Controller Secret Code-Missing Message"
ABS U0415-00 - "Invalid Data Received from Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) Control Module

Regarding the BCM code - Secret Code???

I cleared the codes with the Tazer JL Mini and rebooted and followed the instructions to ensure I did not lose my settings. Went back into the menu to look at the DTC's and they had returned. I, then, turned the Jeep off and removed the negative battery cable for a couple of minutes. Reconnected the battery cable and restarted the Jeep. No "Check Engine" light, so I thought it was cleared. Turned the Jeep off and followed the instructions to, once again, check the DTC's...the two mentioned above were still there.

At that point I cleared the DTC's, reset the Jeep back to stock, removed the Tazer, and removed/reconnected the battery cable. Started the Jeep up and took it for a drive around the neighborhood. Got back to the house and, using an OBDII device for my Jeep, looked to see if there were any DTC's. There were none.

Is the Tazer faulty, because obviously - when it was installed - I received those two codes and now I am not?

Any ideas guys?
Yes, ok now it is starting to make sense. Joe, the owner, personally schooled me on the unit last year. I told him if he gave me 15 mins on the phone i could probably keep the people on this forum alone schooled. Problem is there are updates and then there are glitches but the biggest problem is instructions that dont even match the dash verbage.

For example autoHL means automatic headlights? Or is it referring to when the high beams automatically got to high on a country road and low when a car approaches?

In the manual they refer the high beams as auto

On the tazer there are two places that almost have the same verbage and autoHL is talking about off/parking lights/headlinghts/automatic mode come on when its dark.

Thats is one of many issues with the instructions.

DRL we all know what that is right, we have been saying that term for 50 years and seen it on many many cars on the dash right?

NOT- daytime running light

so is that the big circular headlight, the white light at the bottom of the fender

the yellow light we refer to as parking lights that some people turn on during the day for safety

Daytime running light DRL it says that no where on the dash, in the Jeep, in our lives that I know of but zauto thinks its a word that we discuss at dinner every night

My favorite is nav input in motion on and off

so the passenger can input an address in the nav while driving, a annoyance that has been around for years.

on or off? if its on does that mean its restricted and the nav letters cant be inputted while moving? or does on mean that feature is on so you can input it yes.

In addition to that the annoying driver door that cant be open or you go through the windshield? In motion like the nav makes that feature on and off also. Great right/ love it but we cant disuss that because that is a federal law.

BUT if you happen to notice that the silly driver door being open doesnt throw the Jeep in park anymore how did it fix it self? simple. turn motion on or ff and try it and see what happens. and then try the opposite of you dot get results.

NOT!!!! because for some silly reason the drive door does not do it the first time after activated, it does it the second time. Ok no problem since me and the owner Joe and maybe now the people reading now know thins BECAUSE WE CNAT DISCUSS IT IN THE INSTRUCTIONS BECAUSE IT IS FEDERAL LAW.

Obvioulsy, some government worked didnt take in to consideration that a Jeep that goes off road has to be able to look at a rock etc. Could you imagine going to Moab and not being able to see everything and anything you want?

The governement worker says to remove your doors or get half doors because they are so easy to get LOL

Great product but SHIT execution
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Seems I may have upset you somehow.
OMG so sorry I just saw your name. Joe is the owner of Zauto. I bought a Tazer a year ago and the instructions are so bad I was describing some of the mistakes that make it almost impossible for one to use it unless they are taught.

Now, the latest Firmware has left us with a black screen if we have to unmarry it to go to the dealer for anything. If the system is not cleared properly they can and will void our warranties.

To add insult to injury Zauto is not even responding to emails just leaving us hanging now with no resolution.

I think I know how to fix it with a work around. If so, I am doing it and in the trash can it goes.''Not answering a phone call when you are making omg how much profit on a $329 item that costs a few bucks to make it one thing but ignoring emails also when there is a problem effecting many people and making it so we cant even go in for service.

Thats a guy that only cares about the moneybut I hear Joe is a nice guy and. I have talked to him and he is but I know he suffered some medical issues last year. If thats the case pass the torch but it was obvious to me there is only one guy that knows everything about it and he cant do all that and fix glitches by re-writing software.

I kind of got the feeling there will always be only one guy that knows it all and thats fine but you must stop and re-write your instruction manual since apparently no one else can.

If not then answer the tech support emails, if you cant do both of those then stop taking peoples money

I feel for anyone that has health issues, I offered to help him re-do the instructions. In what he taugt me alone I bet I could improve the manual by 25% or more just by using the same terms as the dash reads.

He denied the free help


I'm howling that he typed all that out not realizing he's talking to Joe, the guy he referenced several times in that post.
Thanks for the info, good to know he is posting on a forum instead of responding to the multiple emails myself and others have sent regarding the issue.

I have figured out a walk around to getting the Jeep back to normal and when it is 100% done today I will post to help others and then the tazers go in the trash can.

Your right pretty funny but now I can have a really good time with it.
And that's another reason I went with the AEV Procal Snap JL instead of the Tazer.
And that's another reason I went with the AEV Procal Snap JL instead of the Tazer.
the tazer does a lot of other things, you cant compare the products. If all you are doing is changing tire size a snap or procal is all you need.

a tazer is for a highly modified Jeep like my Gladiator for example that has Dana 60's. the taer can make the dana 60 act like the jeep is stock and you can use the button on the dash to do the lockers etc.

or on a Hemi conversion when you dont have the same steering as before the tazer can address that.

but when the operator or the software goes sideways it gets tricky.

I doubt I can count on one hand how many people in the US even have the knowledge to make a product like the tazer and all the things it does.
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I'm still so confused. Yes, I'm that Joe - I did have a heart attack last year but that's not an ongoing issue affecting my business. We have 4 support people that are here full time answering emails and texts so I'm still unsure of why you feel you cant get an answer.

Where is the $50 to unmarry coming from? You just choose "unmarry" and it's unmarried.

You've posted several times here about some black screen issue but you still haven't given enough info for me to know what you're actually dealing with. Like every other customer with an issue, we listen for the problem, ask some questions to fill in the blanks so we know what we're dealing with, and then offer the solution or something to try.

You're also assuming your warranty is "void" - that's not even how it works. A restriction can be placed if they think an aftermarket item can cause a failure, but they can't do a blanket void. Even if you don't unmarry it, simply remove the tazer before service and they won't know it was used.

I'm not "after your money". Heck you've probably had that Tazer for over a year and I'll STILL take it back for a refund if you're not happy with it. I want happy customers. I truly enjoy what I do, and the best days are when I can jam another feature into the Tazer for a free firmware upgrade.
I'm still so confused. Yes, I'm that Joe - I did have a heart attack last year but that's not an ongoing issue affecting my business. We have 4 support people that are here full time answering emails and texts so I'm still unsure of why you feel you cant get an answer.

Where is the $50 to unmarry coming from? You just choose "unmarry" and it's unmarried.

You've posted several times here about some black screen issue but you still haven't given enough info for me to know what you're actually dealing with. Like every other customer with an issue, we listen for the problem, ask some questions to fill in the blanks so we know what we're dealing with, and then offer the solution or something to try.

You're also assuming your warranty is "void" - that's not even how it works. A restriction can be placed if they think an aftermarket item can cause a failure, but they can't do a blanket void. Even if you don't unmarry it, simply remove the tazer before service and they won't know it was used.

I'm not "after your money". Heck you've probably had that Tazer for over a year and I'll STILL take it back for a refund if you're not happy with it. I want happy customers. I truly enjoy what I do, and the best days are when I can jam another feature into the Tazer for a free firmware upgrade.
I know I spoke to u last year and was shocked you were not on it but two support emails and a glitch and nothing.

I have three JL/JT’s and JT highly modified, JL with 6.4 conversion I am the perfect test dummy for the tazer.

I offered to help you redo the manual

You personally taught me enough to help keep a forum this size from ever bothering you all and I have helped many set up their tazers.

I just unmarried 392 conversion but cant remove tazer, no extension cable. You just mailed to me yesterday but I dont have the patience to fight that connection up in the dash so I cant remive tazer and see what I have.

Recon is at my warehouse headed there now to evaluate

Tech is telling me warranty info, he just trying to scare me as he is anti aftermarket because pain in ass for him to fix software type stuff outside dealership
I'm still so confused. Yes, I'm that Joe - I did have a heart attack last year but that's not an ongoing issue affecting my business. We have 4 support people that are here full time answering emails and texts so I'm still unsure of why you feel you cant get an answer.

Where is the $50 to unmarry coming from? You just choose "unmarry" and it's unmarried.

You've posted several times here about some black screen issue but you still haven't given enough info for me to know what you're actually dealing with. Like every other customer with an issue, we listen for the problem, ask some questions to fill in the blanks so we know what we're dealing with, and then offer the solution or something to try.

You're also assuming your warranty is "void" - that's not even how it works. A restriction can be placed if they think an aftermarket item can cause a failure, but they can't do a blanket void. Even if you don't unmarry it, simply remove the tazer before service and they won't know it was used.

I'm not "after your money". Heck you've probably had that Tazer for over a year and I'll STILL take it back for a refund if you're not happy with it. I want happy customers. I truly enjoy what I do, and the best days are when I can jam another feature into the Tazer for a free firmware upgrade.
Thanks @justjoez for making such cool tech. Happy repeat customer!

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