Well, there are plenty of things in life we don't understand, but that doesn't make them less true. But this one is fairly simple... Rarity and scarcity are both drivers of inherent value in vehicles (and anything else that is collectible). Now, how collectible will
any Jeep be in 20-30 years? That is yet to be seen, but if history is any indicator - and if you understand how history works, it should be - then IF the 2022 turns out to have comparitively low production numbers, then well-preserved examples from that model year will bring a premium even if a similarly (or even identically) equipped version exists in another model year.
Another key factor for the 2022 in particular is that it will NOT be the "virgin" year for the 392 and to anyone who understands auto manufacturing, that will make it more sought after than any 2021. You simply do not want a first run vehicle if you can avoid it, but again, I suspect at least some of the folks on this forum already know that... and unfortunately some of them for the wrong reasons. Also, it sounds like there is not likely to be an "identical" 2023 392XR from what we're hearing, so that will make them even more "unicornish." So that means
@1newbie's Pinky XR may be a true unicorn... albiet and ugly pink one, but a unicorn nonetheless.