392 XR
11/7 Ordered
11/10 Vin#
11/7 - today
Jeep chat always said “gathering parts”
Today - “Thank you so much for holding. I am showing all of the materials needed to start the build process have been received. The vehicle should be entering the build process very soon.”
I asked does this mean it’s still in D and she said it’s in no status???
Has anyone received this response from Jeep chat about all the parts needed are in? Maybe I caught them at a in between status?
11/10 Vin#
11/7 - today
Jeep chat always said “gathering parts”
Today - “Thank you so much for holding. I am showing all of the materials needed to start the build process have been received. The vehicle should be entering the build process very soon.”
I asked does this mean it’s still in D and she said it’s in no status???
Has anyone received this response from Jeep chat about all the parts needed are in? Maybe I caught them at a in between status?