We haven’t visited this in a while and since there are plenty guys and girls just getting their 392s I thought I’d relay a couple of options on how to force RWD WITH a Jl Tazer. These attachments are from the Tazer instructions. One way is to do a line lock, which automatically forces RWD on the 392. A couple button presses and pump the brakes twice…the front brakes hold and you can do a burn out to kill every mosquito with in a hundred yards. You can also enter RWD from the menu and even remap a steering wheel button to go in and out of RWD. The easiest way tho is to hold the traction control button for 5 seconds, this kills TC and ABS. You do have to turn Jeep off then back on to exit this mode. All that said, I love the AWD of this Jeep, I think it’s necessary, and rarley force RWD except to show off and flex.