Man, I hope that doesn't end up screwing you guys in the end... that would totally suck. Every order gets a VON (vehicle order number) and build priority of 99 (the lowest) which is "Pending" at the time the dealer places the order. Those get VINs and will move to a "D" status with Pending becoming "Firm" which is a sold order (not technically "sold" until this happens.) Long story short, once it becomes a sold order and gets a "D" status with serial number (VIN) they can't be changed as VINs are year specific, so it needs to be resubmitted as a new order for a new model year. Might usually not be a problem with timing (since orders that end up getting recreated for new year tend to straddle the cutoff date plus or minus a few) but given the current backlog, just hope it doesn't push you back even further behind the already submitted orders for '22. The cutoff (last date possible to order)for 21's was October 8th. The 2022's started the 9th. FCA plans to build all sold orders through December 4th, when they would typically shut down for any retooling for the next MY (and with only 2 days of shut down, it's pretty evident that there's no real changes.) Point being, December 4th is arbitrary and if they have a backlog of builds, that date gets pushed first. So, unfortunately, that could push your start date back even further which, as I opened with, could really suck. Fingers crossed for you both!