I've had the 392 for 1800 miles now. I installed an amp, capacitor, and sub woofer. Issue #1: active noise cancelling AND "fake engine noise". The car creates fake exhaust sounds which, even with the stereo off, is played through the speakers and especially the woofer. Several ways to fix this, some involve messing with the wiring harness. The easiest, and the way I chose, remove the 4 microphones overhead above front and rear seats. Remove them completely so they don't rattle.
Issue #2: sky one touch mutes bass output once open completely. You can bump the close button to get the output back but I'm looking for anyone that knows which wire from the one touch connects to the stereo so I can permanently disconnect it without impacting the function of the roof itself??
Issue #2: sky one touch mutes bass output once open completely. You can bump the close button to get the output back but I'm looking for anyone that knows which wire from the one touch connects to the stereo so I can permanently disconnect it without impacting the function of the roof itself??
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