I picked up my 392 here in Northern Idaho this past November and drove it all over the place this winter. Driving it at speed on snowy interstates, city streets in town, and on snow covered winding back roads. I couldn't believe how good it performed! I was taking snow packed road corners at 40mph with no slipping at all. I was just waiting for the rear end to slide out, but it never did. I just keep a smooth controlled throttle, braking as little as possible, and it drives beautifully.
I also drove my 2014 this winter as I usually do, and the difference was amazing. On snow packed roads of 2-4 inches of snow, I'd have to put the '14 in 4wd just about right away. It would tend to slide out when turning corners, especially from a stop. The '14 would get a squirrelly too on corners around 20mph. In deeper snow, the '14 would push pretty easily on the front end if not in 4wd. I didn't need to put the 392 in 4wd until at least 6 inches or more. Quite impressed with it!
One other thing I noticed is when slowing down to a stop, such as stoplights in city street driving. It may be an engine compression thing, but the 392 slows much faster and controlled when I let off the gas. You can feel it for sure, and this allows for much less braking as I drive it in the snow.
Still on the stock tires, BTW....